The Queens of Mean have been nominated..

The Queens have been nominated for the fucktard award. In all fairness and with pride.. We Accept the Award... and we would like to thank..

first.. the person who nominated us..without an Alley Cat who was wandering the Alley looking for trash.. we never would have been noticed, let alone nominated for this award. Thanks to her endless dump diving, she stumbled across us and decided we were prime candidates for this award..

Second, we want to thank the followers of Mr. London Street. It's those fine readers who were so brave and commented on this site, then returned to MLS site and bragged, thus matching their times of comments on the two sites, so we could figure out who ANONYMOUS was.. without Anonymous, this site would have flopped on it's ass without so much as making a ping..

Third, We want to thank DANA.. Without DANA, none of this could have been possible. DANA and her endless fear that someone with a similar name would take away from her spot light.

Fourth, We want to thank the mysterious tip donor that turned us on to MLS. That my friend, was the tip that put this site on the map. You will always hold a special place in our hearts.

and last, we want to thank all the past and future fucktards that keep us in business. After posting about MLS it became clear that we would be finding fucktards for many years to come.

Thank you for your continuing support in comments (we got more on our first post that MLS has on any of his) even though we had to delete a few due to the fucking nasty use of the F bomb. And thank you Alley Cat, for dumpster diving for a hobby, finding us, and nominating us for this wonderful award.


1 comment:

  1. Whoo hoo !!! We won we Won !!!!
    I'd like to thank Queenie for being so fucking awesome and for helping me contribute artistically in the blogging world !!!


Got an asshole you want to Nark out! Just leave us a message and we will handle it for you...